Audrey Le Bloas

Aurelie Abalea

Aurelie Abalea - France - Endurance Rider / Horses competed by Aurelie Abalea include Jasmer Kerdavid, Ss Rakeen and Jamilha.

Adding a horse may be the missing piece you`ve been looking for. They are experts at reading non-verbal communication, and will give you immediate and honest feedback about what is working for or against you in relationships.

You can learn about the signals you send out to others by observing how the horse reacts to them. Naturally very sensitive to emotions, horses can pick up what has been buried deep inside you. This allows your own special issues to come out in the context of the exercises.

And horses allow you to unite unconditionally with another living being. You can take off your mask without fear of rejection, and begin to experience your true self and heal.

Aurelie Abalea